Great Pendragon Campaign – Solo Resources

Winter Phase for Pendragon Solo

A while back I made a video about why I love the game Pendragon, and how I play it solo. If you haven’t seen it, I suggest you check it out.

One of the most frequent requests I get is about the solo resource document I talk about.

I finally created a “public version” of the document (basically I removed all the screenshots) and I will share the document down below. 

My Pendragon Solo Resource Document

Before I share the document, I wanted to cover a few points so everyone is on the same page as to what this document is, and what it is not:

  • This document is not a replacement for the rules. It is a helpful organization of relevant or cumbersome rules I use for solo play. It’s also not comprehensive, though I can’t play solo without it at this point.
  • I do have houserules within this document, but I have not indicated where these houserules are. Many are in the feasts and battles section. I’m also certain that I’ve made rules mistakes within the document. I apologize on both accounts!
  • This is a living document for me. I have increased the detail around aspects of the game I enjoy, and streamlined areas that I found a bit redundant and boring. Your mileage may vary. I may also post updates in the future.
  • Pendragon books, including fan-made resources, are posted in all caps. I tried to include page numbers and table names where relevant.

You can download the PDF document here, or the word document here if you want to make changes of your own.

Using the Solo Resource Document

I use the resource document as a roadmap for each year of the Great Pendragon Campaign (GPC). I always start each year at the top of the document in the Pendragon Year Workflow section. This leads me to whichever year I happen to be playing in the GPC.

Then, depending on the events of the current year in the GPC, I navigate to any rules sections I need to read. Most often this includes battles and combat, hunting, and feasts (feasts!). I’m working on expanding the tournament section next.

Finally, at the end of each year in the GPC, I follow the Winter Phase Synopsis at the end of the resource document. I find that, following each step, it allows me to quickly finish this phase given the amount of detail and steps within it. I really enjoy the amount of steps and complexity I’ve added to this phase, as I’ve found it is a great way to recap each year, and the randomness of it helps create a very compelling story for my character.

Other Resources

I suggest joining the Pendragon discord. There are a ton of helpful Pendragon players here. I’ve found several fan-made resources that have helped me play, and you can find most of them here. I’ve included the names of each below:

  • Manor Improvements
  • Manor Investments
  • Manor Luck Expanded
  • New Childbirth Tables
  • Winter Phase Synopsis (I built my winter phase off this document)
  • Yearly Events and Solo
  • Yearly Kin Events


If you are interested in finding out more about how I play Pendragon solo, check out my youtube channel here. You can also join my newsletter, where I send out infrequent emails about the articles I write, videos I create, and games I design.

Thank you for being a fan of games! I’m looking forward to sharing more with you!

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